All together now,
Everyone is Invited!
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Parties • Overnight Events • Groups • Field Trips • Meetups
Our party packages are great for groups of 8 or more who are looking to have a room to themselves- perfect for food, drink, and celebration!
2 hour facility and private room use
Dedicated staff member
Harnesses and Rental Shoes
Add ons
Staff belayer ($20/hour)
Overnight Events
Our lockins are great for groups of 5 or more who are looking to have the whole gym to themselves- overnight!
Facility use from 10pm to 10am
Two dedicated staff members
Rental Shoes
Add ons
Staff belayer ($20/hour)
BSA Climbing Merit Badge ($125/night)
Group Visits
Our group visits are great for groups of 8 or more who are looking to climb together at a discounted rate!
2 hour facility
Dedicated staff member
Rental Shoes
Add ons
Staff belayer ($20/hour)
To book an event email bloomingtonprograms@hoosierheights.com
Field Trips
This is the perfect way to bring youth (K-12) associated with schools and summer camps in at a discounted rate!
2 hour facility
Harnesses and Rental Shoes
To book an event, please email bloomingtonprograms@hoosierheights.com
Interested in more events than what we have on the website? Got a question about any of our events?

New Climber Meetup
Wednesdays • 7-9pm • FREE with entry • Ropes Room
This drop-in meetup is designed for anyone and everyone! Whether you are just getting started, an experienced climber, or just looking to make some climbing friends! There is a guaranteed staff belayer to climb with and introduce folks to get those belaytionships going!
Pride Climb Night
Thursdays • 7-9pm • FREE with entry • Ropes Room
Climbing is for everyone! Tonight it’s dedicated for those who have a little extra pride. Come find us in the ropes room where we have a staff dedicated to offering belays for solo climbers, helping give advice on routes, and connecting members of the community. Everyone is welcome!
Lead Climber Meetup
Returning soon • FREE with entry • Ropes Room
This drop-in meetup is designed for those who are both new and experienced to lead climbing! Find some new lead climbers and practice your skills with other leaders. There is a guaranteed staff belayer to climb with and introduce folks to get those belaytionships going!